barney and friends

barney and friends. arney and friends
  • arney and friends

  • andrewsd
    Mar 2, 02:44 PM
    I am excited.. ....... :(

    barney and friends. Barney and friends games music
  • Barney and friends games music

  • dlf1wayout
    May 5, 01:53 AM
    May 5, 2011

    I initially admit that I am a genuine, bonafide Magic Mouse un-coordinated user or retard. I’m habitually right-clicking with my Magic Mouse on matters that I meant to be left-clicking on; and had even thought, (w/o looking) that I was left-clicking accurately on. Until the pesky, tell-tale, rectangular dialog box appears on my Mac mini, flat-screen desktop ... Informing me immediately that I just screwed up again and right-clicked where I thought that I was left-clicking. It’s obviously a Magic Mouse disorientation issue, and it’s up to me or my action to resolve it. And that is what I end up always scolding myself with, because I hadn’t first felt for the mouse’s side edge to secure an accurate click. Well this ‘my bad’ self-denigration flogging is over! ‘It’s not just mine alone spaz condition to blame!’ is my claim. There is an obvious void, error or design flaw of the hollowed Magic Mouse ~ that I beg to share in responsibility along with my personal malfunctions. Doy! The humpbacked, Apple Magic Mouse simply doesn’t even have a right-click/left-click divider or embossed spine on it at all, which is the obvious, inherent problem. Such as PC mice have always had, haven’t they? So I’ve do-it-yourself, (or done-it-myself) solved it by merely cutting a precise three-sixteenth inch, slightly-tapered sliver of black (my preference entirely) duct tape approximately 2” long and have successfully adhered it into it’s pre-determined, center position, (like cleavage), to achieve a resounding, accoladed victory!

    My summation is that the spineless Apple Magic Mouse is not for everyone. But can be easily and inexpensively remedied to be so!

    Thank you,

    barney and friends. Barney and friends are on
  • Barney and friends are on

  • livingfortoday
    Jun 21, 10:47 PM
    I have a D-LInk Dl-524 wireless router up for grabs. It's 802.11g/2.4Ghz compatible. Woo!

    I want $13.16 for this, shipped. Delicious.

    This is the rare candy-coated version - so it's the most delicious router you can own.*

    *Please do not lick or eat this router.

    barney and friends. Barney and friends figu -
  • Barney and friends figu -

  • russed
    Oct 1, 04:45 AM
    Maybe it's just IBM and Grant Thornton.;)

    no i have thought of another company - my girlfriend starts at the John Lewis Partnership on monday and they use it also! - 3 companies and counting!

    barney and friends. Barney and Friends-Barney
  • Barney and Friends-Barney

  • cocky jeremy
    Dec 25, 10:57 PM
    I got a ton of stuff, but my favorite gift wasn't even for me. My 5 year old niece got a plasma cart and my entire family used it all day long. We're buying 4-5 more of them. lol. They're so much fun. :)

    barney and friends. Barney and Friends
  • Barney and Friends

  • Sethii
    Apr 9, 04:05 AM
    I have bought some IPad Apps and install it on my IPad I.

    How can I move them to my new IPad II ?



    barney and friends. Lovato (Barney amp; Friends,
  • Lovato (Barney amp; Friends,

    Apr 16, 01:55 PM
    Gone for real simple uncluttered theme at the moment. No dock, using Alfred App (great app!) for all application opening/switching etc, and finally starting to memorise keyboard shortcuts for everything. I've found navigating my way round the system MUCH quicker once I did this. To avoid clutter I've started to use Command-H on windows that I'm not currently working in, and command-tab to switch, rather than previously minimizing to the dock.

    Usually 2560x1440 but I think tinypic reduces it for some reason.

    Also, my 11" air.. same deal as my main workstation..

    barney and friends. in arney and friends,
  • in arney and friends,

  • iGary
    Sep 24, 06:54 PM
    At this point I would tell him to just be safe and promise to use a condom.

    You may not be happy with it but in the end he is going to go through with it anyway. Just telling him to be safe is the best you can do at this point.

    If she was sleeping at your place I would to what my parents told us when I was living there. They said you can sleep together but please try not to have sex. Even though they both knew we were sexually active. We still did every once in a while but seldom and kept it very low key as to "not get caught".

    Later when I was older I asked them about it and told them we did (this is years later and my parents are really cool). They told me the figured we would anyway. They just said it so that we wouldn't make it obvious. I believe their words contained the phrase "ignorance is bliss".


    I was thirty and I bought over my now "husband" to my folks house and we slept in the same room. No sex, mind you, we were respectful of their home, but they did, of couse freak out after we left.


    barney and friends. BARNEY: FURRY FRIENDS

  • Sun Baked
    Feb 14, 07:40 PM
    In hindsight, I think I may have been high on Vegemite when I posted this. On that note, I'm gonna go eat some Vegemite.Could we use that on some of the bad users? I've heard that it can also be used as road and roof patch. :pNow there's an idea for a new Ramen Noodle flavoring packet. :o

    barney and friends. from Barney and Friends!
  • from Barney and Friends!

  • Dagless
    Apr 6, 12:44 PM
    I wish I could have just 1/10000 of that right about now!

    12pb. That's an awful lot. I hope we start hearing some solid details on this service soon.

    Are Apple only going to have 1 data center? Google seem to have 30-40.
    Seems a bit silly to have a single point of success in this day and age.

    Pity those who live a long way from the server, ouch! I notice a difference when I switch content providers from Manchester to London (I'm based in Manchester) on Steam. I don't think this data centre is for use outside the US...

    barney and friends. Barney and Friends
  • Barney and Friends

  • tsvb
    Oct 26, 07:30 AM
    I'll be there after work at around 4:45-5:00. I can't wait to pick up my new MBP with Leopard! :)

    barney and friends. Barney: Jungle Friends (DVD)
  • Barney: Jungle Friends (DVD)

  • 42streetsdown
    May 1, 06:50 AM

    Apple will come to its senses and launch this as a free service. If not in this iteration, perhaps the next. :)

    I can see them giving it for free with the purchase of their hardware (like find my iPhone is free with the latest iteration of iOS devices) Apple after all is a hardware company.
    Giving something that costs billions in servers and man hours for free to everyone doesn't make much sense to me.

    barney and friends. Barney the Purple Dinosaur
  • Barney the Purple Dinosaur

  • DevHound
    Apr 27, 04:57 PM
    yawn. how many more stories about this stupid "location tracking".

    There's nothing stupid about this. Its a huge privacy violation to have your locations constantly tracked without your consent, even if the data is not used directly by Apple. This easily accessed location data on your phone was already widely known and used by police agencies since last year according to several articles, so you can just imagine what it is like for someone in a police state to have all their locations for the past year easily accessed when they are arrested. That's not to mention spying or abusive spouses, industrial espionage, and many other reasons to want to maintain some confidentiality.

    The fact that Apple only bothered to care about this or look into it after it became a media storm shows that there is a simple lack of privacy controls and concern about privacy at the company.

    barney and friends. of Barney and friends.
  • of Barney and friends.

  • err404
    Apr 27, 01:07 PM
    I am not defending Full of Win. I sincerely am not...

    Problem is that his information is not factual. It's FUD.

    barney and friends. series Barney amp; Friends.
  • series Barney amp; Friends.

  • Givmeabrek
    Mar 27, 02:59 PM

    Another by the same scammer. :mad:

    He needs to be stopped and taught a lesson. :cool:

    barney and friends. Barney and Friends Birthday
  • Barney and Friends Birthday

  • crackbookpro
    Apr 28, 06:16 AM

    You are/were 1 to 2 years late with putting out this Verizon iPhone.

    Android has gained adoption...

    Don't worry, you will be fine in the long run - a Verizon LTE iPhone 6 will get your sales kicked in within the Verizon market. I know I will be going back to an iPhone when it happens. :cool:

    barney and friends. Barney amp; Friends Dinosaur
  • Barney amp; Friends Dinosaur

  • YoNeX
    Oct 31, 09:03 AM
    You can probably get the shuffle early, I'm sure one of the retailers will accidently sell one to its customers or have already put it out on display.

    barney and friends. Barney and friends theme
  • Barney and friends theme

  • walnuts
    Apr 7, 08:55 AM
    I wonder how many of these posts are trolls? I haven't had any issues whatsoever with 4.3.1. I also didn't have any problems with 4.3; battery life has been absolutely stellar and call performance actually improved in 4.3.1.

    The timing of all these "bitching" posts just seems suspicious.

    I wouldn't call it bitching, but it sounds like there are a good amount of people with very specific issues. What I'm saying is that if you find iOS 4.3.1 unusuable, unstable, or extremely buggy, then maybe you should get your phone checked out because I don't think that's normal for most of us.

    barney and friends. arney and friends.
  • arney and friends.

  • RedRaider219
    Jun 23, 11:19 PM
    Just got here, there are about 40-50 people here now not too bad of an atmosphere!

    Feb 12, 02:56 PM
    Muwahahahahahahahaha!Case and point! :rolleyes:

    Mar 24, 12:15 AM
    It is just more signs of the times. OSX is at the end of its life cycle with Lion coming out as the transitional OS before iOS rules them all. Lion does away with a separate server edition and is preparing the way for iOS. The only key piece that needs to catch up to make iOS feasible on desktop hardware is the A series processors (i.e. A6 or A7 with multi-cores to catch-up with Intel's desktop procs).

    So Lion will be released this summer and the next generation OS will come out in 2013-ish sans the cat naming convention and sans a distinction between iDevice and Mac. iOS naming conventions should follow mythical winged predators (i.e. Phoenix, Gryphon and Dragon).

    Apr 21, 10:37 AM
    Looks like comment ratings. But honestly I have no clue!

    Apr 7, 09:47 AM
    I suggest you to save your SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella from now on. Even if you don't jailbreak. But with your SHSH blobs you have the possibility to downgrade. I restored to 4.2.1 myself because of various issues with 4.3+

    And it's a pity that few people know about this and a huge fail from apple for not letting iPhone users downgrade their firmware.

    If in doubt check this simple tutorial:

    Hope it helps...

    Oct 31, 01:19 PM
    Thank you for this update. My gf is running the NYC marathon on Sunday and was hoping to get one of these before we left for NY. Looks like we will be able to do that now between the Apple Stores AND the retailers having them.

    That is awesome - running the NYC marathon!!! The shuffle will serve her well! And I know that when I run with music, my pace is faster! Wish her a good run from all of us!!! :D


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