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  • HBOC
    Mar 11, 01:34 AM
    Also the time of day there.. after 3pm..

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  • DiamondMac
    Mar 18, 01:35 PM
    No in the TOS it states there is a limit to unlimited (5gb), deceptive.

    As several others have said, SHOW us where it says that. Please

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  • milozauckerman
    Jul 12, 08:21 PM
    Yeah mister 6" PeeCee, you must've missed where Steve Jobs said something along the lines of, "BMW and Mercedes have about a 14% market share. What's wrong with being a BMW or a Mercedes?"

    This is my philosophy as well. I don't drive a Ford. I don't want XP. I don't want an HP. So suck your PC.
    There's some irony about your penis envy reference and the rest of this post.

    Just sayin'.

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  • timswim78
    Sep 12, 05:41 PM
    Ughh, I really hope that Apple upates this product before releasing it for sale.
    Come one Apple, what about the:
    - TV recording
    - DVD player
    - Built In Storage (Hard Drive)
    - Input for digital cable

    Some analogies:
    - It's like an wireless XBOX 360, except it doesn't play games or DVD's.
    - It's like a networked DVD player, without the DVD player.

    I'd rather spend $300 on almost ANY OTHER electronics product.

    What a disappointment... I guess Apple is just trying to stave off the competition from the media capabilities of Windows Media Center and XBOX.

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  • speedriff
    Feb 16, 10:34 AM
    Yes Android will surpass the iPhone OS as all the phone manufacturers are adopting it (the smart ones anyway, sorry Microshaft). That being said however, Apple does have a problem on it's hands. Google is refining its product and very soon it will give Apple a good run. Right now Apple is king of the good smartphone market and if you want one you have to go to AT&T and give up call reliability for it. Once there is a great option, Apples foray into the cell market is going to be hit hard. Other manufacturers are giving AMOLED screens and are getting better and better. Once they get a decent music program or they make their phones play nice with iTunes and get some really good apps (Hey Google I don't like shopping for apps on my phone) the iPhone will have serious competition. Hey Steve Jobs, you better quit being so hardheaded and give us Flash. Yeah I know it is old tech but most websites use it...get it? The other manufacturers gotta love this about Jobs. I am pretty much an Apple fanboy but I am really starting to think Jobs is a douche. Hopefully he will review the history of other American companies who get successful and sit back and let the others pass them by, taking the marketshare with them. If Jobs and Co. aren't careful that is exactly what is going to happen to Apples wireless share.

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  • Timothy
    Mar 19, 02:04 AM
    These rants about the RIAA never fail to amuse me. And, the idea that people who are illegally downloading music are somehow doing a favor to the world is another great myth. It's all justification and *********.

    It is really easy to pick a lock. There are lots of people who can do it. Why not run down to your local record store and stock up on CDs? I mean, ***** the RIAA, right?

    Posers. Learn the real issues around the music industry if you care. But don't just try to justify theft with some robin hood *********.

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  • MarkCollette
    Sep 12, 08:31 PM
    I realize they are saying that you're getting high-def, and it's wireless, but I have a hard time believing that a movie you can download in a half hour will be as good of quality as a DVD which is nearly 8gb in size.

    To be fair, these videos are encoded using H.264, which is a newer and more efficient codec, bitrate wise, than MPEG2 which is used in DVDs.

    EDIT: Plus I think these are 640x480 progressive scan, whereas DVDs are interlaced. Sure, that'll take more space, but it will also give it better quality.

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  • balamw
    Sep 12, 07:30 PM
    It's got USB.
    Where? The pics I saw looked like power, Ethernet, HDMI and 5 RCA jacks for component out?


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  • twoodcc
    Oct 26, 12:29 AM
    well i must say i'd be kinda suprized to see an update this early with apple. especially since i just bought a mac pro. i'd be mad if the prices of the one i just bought goes down

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  • nixd2001
    Oct 12, 06:26 PM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster
    Thanks. I do know gcc a bit, but I really need complete instructions...

    i.e. What to do with the .asm. What to do with the .c. What to do with them both to finally bind those. The linker ld? The only time I've ever used ld was in my little OS development... it's been months since I've touched that.

    Dunno about the asm files without delving deeper.

    But imagine you've copied the benchmark code to mr2.c - then try

    gcc -O2 -funroll-all-loops -o mr2 mr2.c

    the -O2 and -funroll-all-loops are optimisation flags. The -o mr2 says to create an output file called mr2. GCC will work out this isn't an object file and manage the linking for you. The mr2.c on the end specifies the input file.


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  • lilo777
    Apr 28, 04:35 PM
    Wow. Just... wow.

    What's so surprising? Aren't you running Windows on your Mac too?

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  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 11, 08:21 AM
    I love building my own rig every year and it keeps me current with the ever evolving computer technology.

    Just out of curiosity, why do you build one each year?

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  • DroidRules
    Apr 28, 09:22 AM
    I'm replying just so you don't get the slightest idea in your head that you've won, or that I'm retreating. I'm sitting with my entire office laughing at your naivete and misunderstanding of what modern computer hardware is. Keep digging your hole.
    Maybe your employer would like to know the entire office is slacking and on MR instead of working...... nice way to burn company time with your pathetic pecker measuring.

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  • SimD
    Apr 12, 10:45 PM
    This is not really true. You need to know the software to make it do what you want to do. You don't need to be an expert certified user, but you need to know your way around.

    Of course you do. I agree completely. Obviously the poster is exaggerating. I assume he means that the editors he speaks of aren't techno geeks like a lot of us here on MacRumors.

    I seem to have misspoken. I meant they don't need to know the acute technical details of their software.

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  • wtfk
    Aug 29, 02:36 PM
    As soon as you mention Greenpeace, morons seem to go on auto-pilot and once they do that you can't stop them.
    Do you think Greenpeace's behavior might have something to do with that?

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  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 02:09 PM
    But how do you proponents of nuclear power discount the very real risks it poses to mankind itself? War and terrorism especially. HUGE accident(s) waiting to happen.

    If you choose not to have nuclear power, you're choosing to have oil - and all the problems that brings with it.

    I can't recall a war fought over nuclear power, but we're living through one driven by our need to access cheap oil (

    Do you think that our heavy handed approach to Persian Gulf politics increases or decreases the threat of terrorism? Although we've been keen to see regime change in Egypt and Libya, there's no way we'll assist any sort of change in Saudi - since we need the oil. Yet most of the 9/11 hijackers were disaffected Saudi men! (

    So I think your argument that nuclear power increases the threat of terrorism and war is naive, given that the only other option is oil - which most definitely does!

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  • wnurse
    Mar 18, 03:05 PM
    It's a great convenience until the RIAA gets pissed and either changes their mind about downloadable music or tells Apple to hike their prices.

    We shouldn't worry though, Apple will defeat this in no time.

    Really?. how?. Regardless of what apple does, it might be even easier for DVD Jon to break their new programming than for them to come up with new programming. Think about it. A company with a lot of paid developers getting outwitted by a guy with time on his hands. I think he wins everytime. Their cost to defeat him is astromnomical compared to his cost to defeat them.

    Although it's an eye opener to know that itunes itself is what wraps the music with DRM. I'd have thought the music was already DRM'd on the server. But I can see why apple chose that route, so that to get DRM'd songs onto an ipod, you would have to use itunes. I bet they never thought someone would bypass the itunes interface (kind of shortsighted if you ask me, this should have been anticipated).

    One way around this problem would be to store the music in an encoded format and have itunes decode the music and wrap in DRM.
    Unfortunately, that can be bypassed too. A competent enough person (example DVD jon) could intercept the process between decode and before DRM wrapping and deliver the music. Another way would be for itunes server to request itunes to send a key and then use that key to add DRM to the music on server before delivering to user, although then you could build a player that intercepted the key and uses it to remove the DRM.
    I'm sure for every solution apple can think of, DVD jon can think of a way to defeat it. There might be no technical solution to the problem at all.

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  • roland.g
    Sep 12, 04:37 PM
    It needs DVR recording for this price point. As someone else mentioned earlier, I can use a $5 cable to connect my computer to my TV. It need something else that will make me want to spend the extra $244 on it. Either that, or apple needs to stop touting the iMac as a media PC because the TV will compete with it.

    maybe if it came with a calculator

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  • HiRez
    Sep 26, 05:34 PM
    It's not placebo. I am rendering video most of the time. So I'm not wrong.

    What I meant is that you're wrong that I have no experience using a quad-core Mac...not so much on your opinion...

    You just have a different frame of reference than I. Not trying to be right and calling you wrong - just sharing my experience as I see it. We're both right from our different points of view. I don't use the Adobe suite much at all - mainly only ImageReady. So we don't share experience with a common set of applications.Sorry if I reacted strongly...yes, it really does depend on each individual situation. All else being equal, sure, more cores are better. I'm just saying a lot of people, probably the majority of people, don't need and will rarely put to use more than two of them.

    Mar 18, 08:50 PM
    And if you look at the number of iPods sold compared to the number of ITMS songs sold, it is plainly obvious this statement is pure bull.

    How does that matter? Last I heard, iPods didn't cost $.99. Plus Apple doesn't get $.99 per song, they get roughly $.34. iTMS makes Apple money, sure... but compared to the amount of money iPods make them there is no comparison.

    I've said it over and over again, and so has plenty of others... iTMS exists to sell iPods.

    May 2, 10:58 AM
    That's why I use Firefox with NoScript installed. :)

    Sep 26, 10:29 AM
    Pardon Me But Would You Please Track Down The Link To That Card And IM Me and post it here? I need it NOW! Thanks.

    I will be on this thread until the Mac Pro Clovertown option ships. :D

    This is the Mac Pro I have been waiting for.

    I know they're making a PCI Express, DDR2, SATA II version though. Old news to me...

    Jul 12, 06:46 PM
    I hope so, maybe we'll even see a slight MBP upgrade/speed bump. If not, I anticipate Apple referring to some new features of Leopard as well and that should get this crowd excited.

    Even if it turns out to just be the Mac Pro unveiled, that should tide folks over until MWSF--assuming the Paris Expo doesn't see anything new.I'm thinking Paris may be the time for the new Merom MacBook Pro intro. :)

    Apr 22, 08:41 PM
    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing comes from logic and reason?


    You are confusing the Big Bang Theory with current biochemical theories regarding primitive life with planetary formation. They are all independent working models of how events have unfolded in the past.

    The only thing they happen to have in common is stand in the way of stubborn beliefs.


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