Guyism After Dark: Malena, Michelle, or Elisabetta???

Guyism After Dark: Malena, Michelle, or Elisabetta???

Guyism After Dark: Malena, Michelle, or Elisabetta???

Posted: 31 May 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Hot links to get you through the night…

Take your pick: Malena, Michelle, or Elisabetta???
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content Guyism After Dark: Malena, Michelle, or Elisabetta???
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An angry father thinks Duke Nukem is a d-bag

Posted: 31 May 2011 02:57 PM PDT

I consider myself a wise person, able to see through pretty much anything on the internet for what it truly is. Like if some wacky video or clip is a hoax or viral marketing. But sometimes, even I don’t know.

Like this blog post, by Frank Housh, whose apparently a lawyer that practices and resides in upstate New York. Anyhow, his story starts out innocently enough: “I was at a local Gamestop getting a Wii game for my 11 year old son when I saw the Duke Nukem Forever display pictured.”

Here’s what he’s referring to, which I believe was taken at one of the PAXes (note the logo), which I also encountered, as well as nearby Gamestops as well, but paid absolutely not mind. As I’m sure no one else has, but not Frank…

display An angry father thinks Duke Nukem is a d bag

Mr. Housh continues: “As the father of a boy, I try to pay close attention to the [sic] subiminal messages presented in the media (ex: violence = masculinity). In so doing, I see the visual messages girls are receiving and I find them deeply disturbing.”

Huh? But before getting on this guy’s case about how messages connecting violence and masculinity is HARDLY subliminal, lets just move onto the good part: “I politely (really) mentioned to the 20-something manager and teenage boy employee that the display image not just objectified women in an environment catering to impressionable, pre-teen boys, but the the advertisement bordered on pedophilia, as the female (with no face, just blond hair) was wearing a high school uniform and being groped by a man twice her age. I got blank stares and a shrug in response.”

Okay, granted, your average Gamestop employee is fairly dimwitted, and you’ll get a blank stare in response to anything if it has nothing to do with pre-ordering Madden of not having an EDGE card, but like this guy nor anyone else should give a rat’s ass about what Dr. Phil has to say. But this concerned daddy wouldn’t drop the subject: “I tried a different tack. I pointed out that they doubtless had classmates and sisters (I stayed away suggesting girlfriends) and said that the poster presents an unrealistic, fetishised ideal of feminine beauty that no real girl could ever live up to. A girl they knew might see this and feel terrible about herself without knowing why. They just ignored me.”

Sorry, but I’m sure a dude who's a manager at Gamestop has little first-hand knowledge of women in the first place. Anyhow, unable to win the battle of the wits, Frank left defeated: “I left with my son and felt very sad. Godspeed to all of you raising girls out there.”

And here’s the part that makes me wonder if this was just all a jokeL “Oh, and Duke? F*ck you. Douchebag.”

… Yeah, I still don’t know. But father of year? Without a doubt.

Whiny father feels threatened by Duke Nukem cardboard cutout… [Reddit]

Reporter dons HS cheerleader outfit to illustrate how short they really are

Posted: 31 May 2011 01:36 PM PDT

natalie sentz cheerleader 309x203 Reporter dons HS cheerleader outfit to illustrate how short they really are

The length of cheerleader outfits has caused an uproar at a West Sacramento high school where a female yearbook editor decided to poke fun at the ladies with an article titled “”Who Wears Short Shorts”. The article included photos of the cheerleaders with their skirts riding up after a routine. Naturally, parents and cheerleaders weren’t too happy about the depiction and contacted their local news station to run a story about it. News 10, an ABC affiliate in Sacramento, answered the bell, and “leggy” reporter Natalie Sentz went above and beyond the call of duty by donning the same cheerleader outfit during the broadcast.

This is either a very cunning ploy by News 10 to move ahead in the ratings or um, some producer at the station has been dying to see Ms. Sentz in a cheerleader’s skirt to fulfill his freakish fantasy.

(Fast forward to the 1:15 mark)

Thankfully for Natalie Sentz, she covers serious local news for Northern California and not, you know, an MMA fight. Because knowing what Rampage Jackson is capable of these days, I truly fear for the next female reporter that crosses his path.

The Father’s Day tie that doesn’t suck

Posted: 31 May 2011 01:02 PM PDT

Fine and Dandy Double Blade 640x664 The Fathers Day tie that doesnt suck

Fact: 94.7% of father’s will get ties for Father’s Day and 90.23% of those dad’s won’t find those ties interesting. Everyone wants to get their dad something both useful and exciting and this tie from The Fine and Dandy Shop definitely fits the bill. The tie features double blades, meaning that there is no small end of the tie essentially making it a reversible tie. Find a mystery stain on your tie after dinner? No worries, just head to the bathroom and reverse the blades. The tie is 2.75 inches, making it fashionably slim but not fashion victim skinny. They currently have two options: the eagle crest above and a nautical crest in purple. At $54, it is by no means a back breaker (especially considering it’s made in NYC) and is a lot more work appropriate than that light up tie with palm trees that plays “Margaritaville”. Move fast, the last batch of double blades sold out quickly.

Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage

Posted: 31 May 2011 01:00 PM PDT

christina hendricks 2004 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage

They're real and they are most definitely spectacular...

Remember last week when Christina Hendricks came out and told everyone that her giant bosom was natural and not man made? Yeah, well, just to prove it she did this photo shoot filled will all kinds of natural goodness. Hmmm…. I don’t know… sure they look real, but how am I to be 100% sure. What could I possibly do to prove that they’re real? What to do… what to do…

christina hendricks 2006 135x95 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage christina hendricks 2005 135x95 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage christina hendricks 2007 135x95 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage christina hendricks 2003 135x95 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage christina hendricks 2002 135x95 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage christina hendricks 2004 135x95 Christina Hendricks shows off her completely natural cleavage

Shahid Kapoor is my friend and always will be friend :Priyanka Chopra

Posted: 31 May 2011 04:18 PM PDT

Priyanka Chopra is a busy time for the past. In connection with shooting them had to travel to many countries. Yet his name Bdastoor connect with Shahid Kapoor - is broken. This is different that Priyanka now it has come Ajij. Even he stopped giving attention to such reports, the response is so far away. Although many Kuredne but he says, "Such reports are nonsense Neiri and my patience is starting to respond.

But people can not refrain from spreading such stupid things are. Shahid and my friends so much time has passed now that you have a problem between us, we will solve among themselves.

Priyanka chopra

We recently started shooting together and I am excited about working with Sasha again. He is my friend and always will be. This kind of nasty things are not going to make any impact on our friendship. I just want people to do a little caution before we write about. "

Being single for so long took up the question whether marriage will Arenj Priyanka? In response, he says, "As far as marriage is concerned Arenj heart I am very romantic. I want my dream prince came and took me to horse riding. But her first my mother - father to take the approval of. " Priyanka Kareena Kapoor upset him to discuss the matter but refused to give.

The issue he just says, "blown out of proportion to say it. I do not think things like that but I need some way to explain. This topic is better stop. "


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