Beauty Secrets-Exposed

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Sometimes the best beauty-secrets are kept and passed on from generation to generation, so if you want to maintain your natural beauty without too much costs, take a peek at the following beauty tips and tricks!
Women have always tried their best to maintain their natural beauty, so no wonder-that beauty secrets are usually well kept. Along time, a great-number of alternatives to surgery have been developed enabling women to look amazing without drilling a hole in their budget. Some of celebrities' most guarded beauty secrets have been exposed just so you can look and feel fabulous every single minute. Take a peek at these secrets and give-them a try. 

Beauty is indeed-influenced by good genes, but if you're not caring for your skin and heath properly, the negative results brought by external factors will eventually show. The solution to looking gorgeous isn't always found at the nearest plastic surgery office, so make sure you explore alternatives before deciding to go under the knife. To make things easier, check out the following beauty secrets and give them a try so you can radiate beauty every second without-trying to hard:
  • White-eyeliner is definitely a great invention for women who need to illuminate their look, as a touch of white in the right place can do wonders. Make your eyes look bigger and create a more alert look by applying a white eyeliner (pencil) on the waterline of the lower lash line.
Celebs usually turn towards the help of white eyeliner for different events, so give this look a try, but don't apply the eyeliner heavily as thus you'll end-up with a fake, unpleasant-effect.
  • Ever-wondered why celebrities don't mind spending hundreds, even thousands of dollars on high quality silk bed-sets? The reason is that silk or satin can do wonders for your skin and hair, adding a shine and radiance to them in addition to helping to prevent wrinkles. The smooth, soft texture of these fabrics allows the skin to glide on the fabric, so you won't wake-up with those funny sleep lines that can aid early wrinkle-development.
  • Don't know-how to keep your red locks super rich and lustrous? Well, if you're not willing to spend money on expensive salon hair color enhancers, you can turn your attention towards cranberry juice. Rinse your locks with this delicious juice and finally rinse with cold water. The juice will help give your locks a boost in shine as well as help maintain the rich-color of your hair.
  • Love-plump lips, but you're not too keen on getting them injected with collagen or hyaluronic acid? If so, turn your attention towards a more natural, non-invasive treatment: peppermint extract. The cool effect of peppermint will make your lips naturally plumper as the blood vessels dilate. Apply the peppermint extract on your lips as a lipgloss using your fingers or a cotton swab and your lips will look luscious and-plumper.
  • Want that amazing-Hollywood smile, but without the costs? Well, nature provides us with everything we need to look great and strawberries are the fruits that you can turn-towards to whiten your teeth. Strange? Definitely, but apparently they work. Mix a few strawberries with baking soda (you can also use them alone) and brush your teeth a couple of time a day. The mixture will remove the stains from your teeth, leaving them looking-fabulous.
  • Olive oil can do wonders-for your skin as it is rich in nutrients, so if you want to make your skin super soft, apply a few drops or olive oil on a cotton pad and wipe your skin. Olive oil can also be used as a great makeup remover, being able to get rid of waterproof makeup as well, just make sure not to get it into your eyes. Rinse the skin-after and the results will be surprising.
Pay attention to details as they can really make a difference, so give these tips a try and see which ones satisfy your-needs completely!


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